Selma Mini Mart "Kitchen" has recently opened for take out food business

Seriously tasty, seriously good for you. 

Hibachi Grill

Oishii: “it’s delicious”

Grilled Chicken

Why cook when you can get them from us!

Daily Hot Snacks

Snacks Food is good for the soul.

Opening Hours Convenient Store

Monday-Saturday 8am-10pm

Sunday 9am-9pm

Opening Hours Kitchen

Monday-Saturday 11am-9pm

Sunday 10am-9pm

Our Address

107 North Church Street, Selma, NC 27576

phone: 919-920-2226

We’ll make sure to only send intersting info, no crappy content or marketing fluff. Just the good stuff, promise!


Kitchen and Convenient Store | © SelmaMiniMart

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